PATmonitor® Comparison of Versions

Status: March 1, 2007

Features Lite Plus Pro
Supported patent databases:
DEPATISconnect(requires separate license for PATmonitor and a data requesting agreement with the german patent office)
DPINFO (Patent register of the German Patent and Trademark Office DPMA)
INPADOC via Esp@cenet
epoline (Publication Nr., Application Nr., Priority Nr.)
USPTOPAIR (register data of USPTO)
USPTO (Publication Nr., Pat. Nr. mit Utility, Design, Plant, Reissue, etc.)
JPO (full documents and abstracts)
SIPO (full documents and abstracts)
Search for publication number
Basic and Advanced Search:
Search for all available data like title, publication number, publication date, applicant, etc.
Full text search
Search words in neighborhood
Select any number of results from the search result list for subsequent download
All operators: AND, OR, AND NOT, parenthesis, ->, wildcards $, ?, !, #, %, (W), (NOTW), (#W), (#A), (P), (L), (A)
Comparison search with =, <>, <=, <, =>, >
Save and load search profiles for quick repetition
Save and load search result lists for quick repetition
Download unlimited number of patent documents per download session (without the limitations enforced by the used official servers)
Download 10 patent documents at maximum per batch download session
Fast download of patent documents free of charge (only Internet access fees)
Bibliographical information in TXT, HTML, or XML format
Free choice for bibliographical information, claims, description, legal status, family information can be selected in addition
No costs for the individual documents
Download only the parts you need: separate download of full documents, cover/first page, claims, description, drawings, or search report
PDF/TIFF Summary File: the first pages for each downloaded document in one file for a quick overview of the results
HTML Summary File: List with links to all downloaded documents, abstracts, first found drawing => quick overview and fast access to downloaded documents
Minimal online costs due to built-in download scheduler for unattended downloads, generation of log files
Pre-select a default search database (USPTO, Esp@cenet, or DEPATISnet)
Multiple database search algorithm, if a patent document has not been found in a single database
Store documents as PDF or TIFF file
Subdirectory system for individual storing of documents
Use online search options of patent databases and copy result lists from the Internet browser into the PATmonitor ® download list
Easy processing of database hit lists by copy and paste or HTML import
Editable hit list, use as download batch file
Store log/batch files or download lists
Download Assistant to simplify data entry
Generate bookmarks in PDF files
Convert PDF <-> TIFF during download or later
Create multipage documents during download
Create multipage documents from previously downloaded pages
Texts in one PDF document by automatically merging the single pages
Merge PDF or TIFF files after download, PDF-TIFF / TIFF-PDF converter
Save your internal reference number with the documents for further processing