The administration system for all property rights.
EIDOpat is an IP management system with a modular structure.
Manage with EIDOpat efficiently
- Invention disclosure
- Patents, patent applications, utility models
- Trademarks
- Designs
- Contracts
- Disputes (appeal, objection, processes)
- Other files
- Domains
- Literature
- Foreign patents
- Foreign trademarks
- Inventor´s compensations according to german law
Modules for a flexible management system
- Law firm
- Industry
- Patent/utility model
- Trademarks/designs
- Inventor´s compensation
- Multi-client capability
- Interface to payment systems
- Form templates
- Statistics
Furthermore EIDOpat is adaptable to multilingual requirements.
EIDOpat general functions
- Ergonomic graphical user interface with drag & drop function
- Document management
- Automatic management of the life history of all objects
- Automatic deadline monitoring including fees
- Comfortable address management
- Automatic billing
- Interfaces to word processing programmes
- Internet downloads
- Free programmable sequence control (Pascal similar language)
- Free definition of users or user groups
- Deadlines, letters and procedures can be adjusted individually
- Color coding of important conditions, for files and dates
- Individual data display in the header area for all kinds of files
EIDOpat reports, evaluations
- Large number of standard queries available
- Proposal list for payment dates
- Scheduling run
- Data export into Excel, HTML and XML-format
- Free cover page creation with HTML
EIDOpat Interfaces
- Create documents with MS Word
- EMail directly with MS Outlook
- EMail via (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
- Graphic embedding in any formats
- Currency updates via internet
- Free XML interface for exporting and importing
- eFiling
- Automatic filling of web forms
Interfaces to payment institutions
- Dennemeyer
EIDOpat system administration
- Identification and authentication of users
- Assignment of access authorizations down to the field level
- Assignment of access rights via groups possible